Saturday, May 29, 2010

Writing and Rabies

I am enjoying a day of writing not because I voluntarily took a day off, but because I am sick. Yesterday, I received my second rabies shot in a series of three. I wasn't a bit worried, as I'd had no reaction to the first shot, so imagine my unpleasant surprise when by evening I felt stiff and developed a blinding headache. Trying to sleep, I tossed and turned with chills and nausea. I got up this morning feeling as if I'd been beaten about the head and neck with a lead pipe.

Why, you may wonder, did I subject myself to this? Hasn't rabies been eradicated in the U.S.? Not quite...

About 50,000 people die of rabies worldwide each year. Only a handful of these are in the U.S., where vaccination programs are in place for all dogs and cats, and for people who may be exposed to the virus. Here in California, a number of wild animals do test positive for rabies, mostly bats and skunks. Occasionally dogs and cats, after coming into contact with these animals, also test positive. Since the disease is 100% fatal once contracted, it's nothing to take lightly.

Dogs, cats, and horses can be vaccinated against rabies. Ask your veterinarian what is recommended for your area. Human pre-exposure vaccines are only recommended for people who have direct contact with possibly infected animals, as I do every day at the animal shelter. For now, I'll take this time to work on some stories about my very first pet sitting experiences in San Francisco. Stay tuned!

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