Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Adventures in Pet Sitting to Become a Book!

My Dear Readers,

Thank you for being a part of the creation of this book, or series of books! My model is James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small. If you like my stories and haven't read his, I highly encourage you to do so.

I apologize for having not posted a story in so long. Work in the animal care field can be all-consuming, but this year I have made a conscious effort to make time for my passion, writing. I have 35,000 words in this particular book and need 50,000 for it to be "novel length." I can't do it alone, so here's how you can help me: first, I need a title. Adventures in Pet Sitting will be a sub-title, but I need something more appealing and attention grabbing for the proper title. Second, those of you who knew me in the pet sitting days, please remind me of funny or touching things that happened. I have a good memory but your jogging it has been a big help.

I am reformatting this blog and promise to post something every week: a story or part of a story, a picture, a request for your input... Comments are welcome and encouraged! I'll post more info and a story later today. Off to walk the doggies now...


Susan said...

uh, how 'bout "Life at the End of the Leash"?
I'll think about funny stories- here's one, Carlo the Jack Russell who got in a fight with an electric outlet and lost. In the strange apartment that was carved out of a mansion. I think it was on California St.
Gosh, it was so long ago.
Ginger's lifestyle is a story of it's own- if you want to go there.

One of my own- the Old English sheep dog in a tiny apartment in North Beach. So eager to get out everyday, he was gentle but dragged me down the stairs to get out. I used to let go of the leash so he could run and wait at the building entrance door. Once someone came in and he ran out, but luckily he just stopped and peed on a telephone pole outside the door. One day his owner was in a car accident and hurt her back. She couldn't bend down to get his food on the floor so she just fed him what she could reach in the frig. Mostly carrots. Yes, lots of chunky carrot diarrhea coming from him on our walk and it sure stuck to his wooly rear. Oh lucky me, I still remember dutifully picking it out of his fur with a plastic bag. Sorry if you were eating.

Catahoula Girl said...

Thanks Sue! how could I forget about Jack Russell Terrier vs. 220 volts? I'm amazed he wasn't killed. I am writing about Ginger, renamed Crystal ... lots there! Carrot poop, oh my.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...for the title, how 'bout?

Adventures in Pet Sitting

I enjoy your tales and am glad to see you're back w/more. GL on your book!